Kayaking In Mykonos – Coastline And Sea Caves Tour

Our experience of kayaking in Mykonos was really amazing! It was one of our favourite activities on the famous Greek island of Mykonos. Here’s what we thought.

A Different Side To Mykonos

Did you know you can go kayaking in Mykonos? This is one of the best things I’ve done on the Greek islands, so I wrote this guide about it!

I am Vanessa from Athens, and along with my partner Dave we’ve been to about 50 or 60 of the Greek islands. We took this trip in June 2020, as Greece was just reopening for tourism after the pandemic.

Mykonos Greece

Given everything that was going on in 2020, it was certainly a unique time to visit the most cosmopolitan Cycladic island! We loved visiting Mykonos without the crowds, and in my opinion, the beaches in Mykonos are some of the best I’ve seen in Greece.

It was great to see them without the loungers and loud beach bars that the island is famous for nowadays – we prefer quieter, off-the-beaten track islands, but this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Kayaking tour in Mykonos

As I was checking for guided tours and outdoors activities in Mykonos, I discovered an activity called kayaking in Mykonos. At the time, I had never tried kayaking before, and it sounded like a fun thing to do in Mykonos, of all places.

Mykonos kayak - Kayaking trips in Mykonos

I am one of these Greeks who absolutely love the sea. My biggest passion is snorkelling, and I have tried most water sports.

Windsurfing, paddle boarding, jet-skiing, sailing, banana rides, scuba diving, fishing and pretty much every other sea activity, but I had never tried kayaking at the time.

I got in touch with the company, and they actually invited us to join a special kayaking tour for free. As the season was just opening, they had set up a unique half-day activity for their friends and other local people. Now that was cool!

Our kayaking experience in Mykonos

If anyone had told me how much fun they had on a kayaking trip, I would probably think they are exaggerating. I was wrong! Kayaking in Mykonos was an incredible activity, where we saw a totally different side of the island.

A trip with Mykonos Kayak

We met the team at Panormos beach, to the north side of Mykonos. We were greeted by the father, Kostas, who told us a few things about their small family business.

Kostas has been living in Mykonos for a few decades, with his wife Jo, that we sadly didn’t get to meet. The kayaking trips are run by the two sons, Nikos (in the photo below) and Alexis.

They are both very passionate about kayaking in Mykonos and introducing their homeplace to visitors.

Mykonos Kayak an amazing experience

Before the kayaking tour began, Nikos gave us clear instructions on how to use the paddles. He also told us a few things about safety, and handed out red and blue life jackets for us to wear.

Apparently, they are called buoyancy aids in English. I live and learn!

Fun kayak Mykonos trip

We set off, and started following the coast going to the north. We were extremely lucky, as it was a day with absolutely no wind. As a result, paddling along the coast was a breeze (especially as Dave saw it as a chance to get a workout, so I could sit back and enjoy).

Mykonos kayaking trip

As we were paddling, we soon arrived to a small, quiet beach, just between Panormos and Agios Sostis. The easiest way to reach this small bay is by sea, though there seemed to be a very steep footpath as well.

Kayaks in Mykonos

We stopped for a swim, and Nikos showed us some of the local herbs. I thought I’d know all of them, but I was wrong.

This is throumpi, which is similar to oregano, only stronger. It is used for the preparation of the Mykonian louza, a type of sausage.

A handful of local herbs in Mykonos Greece

We then continued to the north of the island, past Agios Sostis, and out to some small, rocky islets. I loved exploring the incredible rock formations. We even went inside a massive sea cave!

Kayaking in a seacave in Mykonos

Our kayaking activity lasted for about four hours! Normally the trip is shorter, but as the weather was great and Nikos was in the mood for it, we paddled on.

Kayaking trip in Mykonos

We also had a chat about different types of kayaks, and how it affects speed and stability. It was clear that Nikos and Alexis are experts, as they’ve been kayaking since they were very young.

Kayaking trip – The other side of Mykonos

Sometimes, the kayaking trip is combined with more Mykonos outdoors experiences. Depending on the weather, these may include snorkelling, hiking, herb picking, a Greek lunch and even an archery taster session.

Have a look here for more information and to book this activity: kayaking in Mykonos

Kayaks off Mykonos coast

The family aims to show visitors the true nature of Mykonos, beyond the expensive loungers and the nightlife. They are also keen on preserving nature and keeping our beaches clean from plastic and other litter.

It was a great opportunity to meet a passionate local family and find out more about the other side of Mykonos.

Note that, if you don’t have your own transportation, hotel pickups can be arranged. In addition, if you book a tour and the weather is not suitable, you will be offered alternative options or a full refund.

Our kayak in a seacave

Nikos and Alexis are very cautious when it comes to safety, while at the same time being fun to be with!

We were advised not to bring our phones or anything valuable with us, so we just brought some water, sunblock and hats.

While it would have been fine to bring the phone along on that particular day, I would have definitely not wanted to worry about it if it was windy.

Kayaks on a sandy Mykonos beach
Most of the photos in this article were provided by the company. Thanks so much for the great memories! 

Other outdoors activities in Mykonos

We thought that a kayaking trip was a unique way to see Mykonos. In addition, there are many other outdoors activities on the island.

Kitesurfing in Mykonos

First of all, there are plenty of water sports all around Mykonos. Windsurfing and kitesurfing are particularly popular. You will find companies renting equipment and providing lessons on many of the beaches.

Another tour that sounds interesting is this hiking activity. Goes to prove that Mykonos is more than just beaches and bars!

If adventurous activities are not exactly your thing, you can always take a half-day cruise activity around Mykonos. There is a variety of sailing tours, including beach and snorkelling time, or just a meal and drinks.

Discover Mykonos on a kayak

Last but not least, check out my blog post about Ancient Delos. This is a fabulous archaeological site on a nearby island which you can easily reach from Mykonos.

Have you taken any tours around Mykonos? What did you think? Please let me know in the comments!

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Islands near Santorni - CreteHi! I am Vanessa, a travel writer from Athens in Greece. I am passionate about summer and sea activities! My favourite one is snorkelling, but I fell in love with this kayak trip! Have a look around the blog for more travel tips and ideas about Greece. Follow me on my social media: 

Kayaks in Mykonos

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