Covid-19 measures in Greece for 2022. Includes everything you need to know for vaccination passports, recovery certificates and how to enter venues in Greece in 2022.

Greece relaxes most Covid restrictions on 1 May 2022
As of 1 of May 2022, life in Greece has almost gone back to “normal”. Showing a vaccination / recovery certificate or negative PCR / rapid antigen test is no longer necessary. All venues are accessible to everyone, without the need to show any of these documents.
For the time being, masks remain mandatory for indoor venues such as shops, museums, ferries, trains, airplanes, the Athens metro etc.
Moreover, travel to Greece has gone back to normal. People visiting Greece will no longer need to show a vaccination / recovery certificate or Covid test when travelling to Greece.
You can read more information in this article.
**The information below refers to the period before 1 May 2022 – it’s here only for historical purposes**.
If you are visiting Greece soon, you can read these articles instead:
Summary of Covid restrictions in Greece for 2022
Here is a summary of the main Covid-19 restrictions in Greece which are in place for adults until the 1st May 2022.
- Supermarkets, grocery stores, food markets, pharmacies, pet shops, urban public transportation and open-air archaeological sites are accessible to everyone
- Indoor cafes, restaurants, bars, clubs, gyms, cinemas, theatres, museums, galleries and stadiums are only accessible with a certificate of vaccination or recovery
- All other indoor venues, outdoor cafes and restaurants and inter-regional transport can be accessed with
- a certificate of vaccination, OR
- a certificate of recovery, OR
- a PCR test, taken max 72 hours before visiting, OR
- a rapid test, taken max 48 hours before visiting
- When used for athletic events, all sports stadiums (indoor and outdoor) only accept adults with a certificate of vaccination or recovery.
In all venues where a certificate or test is needed for adults, children and teenagers aged 4-17 can also enter with a self-test, taken max 24 hours before their visit.
Self-tests are available at pharmacies. The result of the self-test needs to be uploaded online, or declared in this paper form.
Children under 4 years old do not need to show any documents.
All customers will need to show their documents as described above, along with their ID, passport or other proof of name and age.
Covid restrictions in Greece for 2022 – Masks and N95 masks
Wearing a face mask is mandatory in all indoor venues, for everyone aged 4 and above, whether vaccinated or not. There are exceptions for restaurants and gyms, but customers are required to wear masks when entering and moving around these venues.
Masks remain mandatory in private cars, unless the passengers belong to the same family (1st and 2nd degree relatives) or live in the same household.
The use of a mask is no longer mandatory in most outdoors areas, with the exception of stadiums, live gigs etc.
People visiting supermarkets or using any public transportation will need to use either a double mask (medical + cloth mask) or a FFP2 / N95 mask.
Employees at cafes / restaurants / bars are also required to wear a FFP2 / N95 mask, or a double mask (medical + cloth mask).
The fine for not wearing a mask has been set to 150 or 300 euro, depending on the individual circumstances.
EU Covid certificates – Validity and booster dose
The latest list of accepted vaccines is available on the official Greek travel website. Among others, these include Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Moderna, Johnson + Johnson etc.
A certificate of vaccination is considered valid when 14 days have elapsed since the first or second dose of vaccination. The certificate’s validity expires if a period of 9 months has elapsed since the first dose, for the J+J vaccine, or the second dose, for other vaccines.
People who take a booster dose in Greece, can issue their new vaccination certificate on the next day.
If a fully vaccinated person contracts Covid-19, the vaccination certificate becomes invalid for 14 days after the day the person was found positive to Covid, and becomes valid again on the 15th day.
Most store employees will check Greek / EU certificates with the Covid-Free app, which they have installed on their phones. Customers can show their certificates in paper or digital form, along with proof of ID.
Tip: EU-vaccination certificate holders can download the Covid Free Wallet app, and keep several certificates (e.g. all family certificates) in one place. You will still need to show proof of ID for each person.
From 16 January 2022, anyone over 60 years old who is not vaccinated, needs to pay a fine of 100 euro / month. This will be traced through the national Greek Taxis system. The fine was abolished on 15 April 2022.
Non-EU Covid certificates
If you have been vaccinated outside the EU, the Covid-free app will not scan your documents. In this case, the employees will check them visually instead. It’s best to carry them in paper (rather than digital) form, along with proof of your ID.
While most store owners / employees are aware of this by now, you may come across someone who isn’t. Still, non-EU certificates are perfectly valid.
If for some reason you are not allowed entry, ask to see the manager, and point out the below statement from the Government Gazette, where these restrictions are officially published.
Rough translation: “Alternatively, if the above certificates are displayed by a non-EU citizen, the employees verify the certificates in paper form, while also checking the holder’s ID”.
Or you can point out this helpful link (in Greek), which says the same thing.
Certificate of recovery from Covid is valid for 180 days
If you have contracted Covid, you can issue your recovery certificate after the 14th day since the date you were first tested positive. The certificate is now valid for 180 days since the day of the first positive test, but you will have to get it reissued.
For the result to be registered officially, vaccinated people can use either a PCR or rapid test, while unvaccinated people will need to use a PCR test.
People who were vaccinated and were later infected with Covid will need to show their combined vaccination / recovery certificate. This is valid for 180 days after the first positive test.
If an unvaccinated person who already has a recovery certificate performs a second PCR test after 180+1 days have passed and is found positive again, they will not be provided with a new recovery certificate.
PCR / rapid antigen tests
Customers who do not have a certificate of vaccination / recovery can use a negative PCR / rapid antigen test to enter some (but not all) venues.
A PCR test normally costs 47 euro, and you can take it at medical labs all around Greece or perhaps at your own home (with an extra charge). You will generally need to book an appointment. In most cases, a PCR test is valid for 72 hours.
A rapid antigen test usually costs 10 euro, and you can take it at medical labs and most pharmacies. Some of them might ask you for an appointment. A rapid test is valid for 48 hours for most activities.
Note that, in order for the test result to be registered officially, you will need to have an AMKA, pAMKA or PLF. Both AMKA and pAMKA are social security numbers, which are relevant to people living in Greece.
And now, let’s check out what is needed to enter different types of venues:
A. Venues where no certificate / test is needed
Customers can visit the following venues and businesses without any vaccination / recovery certificate or test:
- Supermarkets
- All other grocery stores (e.g. bakeries, butchers, fishmongers)
- Food markets, e.g. the Varvakios market
- Take-away cafes / restaurants / bars
- Kiosks
- Pet shops
- All urban transportation, e.g. the Athens metro, tram, trolleys and buses
No documents are needed to visit any open-air archaeological sites, like the ancient sites in Athens, Ancient Epidaurus, Ancient Mycenae or Ancient Delos. If you are visiting with an organized group tour, check with your tour company as they may have further rules in place.
Note that, in order to visit museums and other enclosed spaces within the archaeological sites, you will need to show a certificate of vaccination / recovery. Tests are adequate for children and teenagers, but not for adults.
As an example, adults can visit the open-air site of the Ancient Agora in Athens without any documents, but in order to visit the museum in the Stoa of Attalos they will need a certificate of vaccination / recovery.
You can visit ski resorts without a certificate. However, you will need a certificate or test to enter shops renting equipment, chalets with indoor / outdoor sitting areas, and guest houses / hotels.
B. Venues only accepting customers with certificate of vaccination / recovery
Some venues will only accept adults with a certificate of vaccination / recovery. This means that adult customers cannot visit these venues with a rapid / PCR test.
This applies for the following types of venues:
- Museums, galleries, archaeological sites with enclosed spaces
- Indoor cinemas, theatres, stadiums, music stages (e.g. Megaron Athens Concert Hall)
- Indoor cafes, bars, tavernas and restaurants, including those in shopping malls and chalets at ski centers
- Nightclubs
- Indoor play centers for children
- Gyms and sports facilities
- Conferences / Trade fairs
- Casinos
- Internet cafes
- Escape rooms
- Pool and bowling venues
- All sports stadiums (indoor / outdoor), when used for athletic events
Children and teenagers 4 – 17 years old can also visit these venues with a negative self test, as described above.
Here are some ideas for the best 20 museums in Athens and a few free museums in Athens.
C. Venues accepting customers with either a certificate or test
All other venues will be accessible to people with either a vaccination / recovery certificate, or people who can show a negative rapid antigen / PCR test, taken in the last 48 / 72 hours. This applies for the following venues:
- Public services, including KEPS and courts (with the exception of an emergency, esp. a visit to a police station)
- Banks, post offices, all utility services (e.g. DEH, EYDAP)
- Churches and religious spaces
- Outdoor tavernas, restaurants, cafes and cafe-bars, including outdoor chalets at ski centres
- Outdoor children’s playgrounds
- Commercial stores, including the ones in malls and those renting skiing equipment
- Hair salons, nail salons, beauty parlours
- Zoos and national parks (this mostly refers to ticketed parks)
- Amusement parks
- Hotels and guest houses *
- Inter-regional public transportation (more on this below)
*Hotel residents who have not been vaccinated / contracted Covid will need to take more than one tests, to cover the duration of their stay.
Children and teenagers 4 – 17 years old can also visit these venues with a negative self test, as described above.
Hospitals, medical centres, care homes
People who are going for a routine visit or routine check (e.g. blood checkup) will not need to show any of the above documents.
Patients going to hospital for an operation will need to produce a certificate of vaccination / recovery or Covid-19 test, and also take a PCR or rapid test, depending on their circumstances. Companions may also be required to take a test.
The same applies for vets (as opposed to pet shops, where no documents are necessary).
People visiting care homes will need to bring a negative PCR test, taken a maximum of 48 hours before their visit. Visitors and patients are required to wear a FFP2 / N95 mask.
Employees / workspace
Employees who have not been vaccinated will need to take two rapid tests per week at private medical labs. Rapid tests are usually priced at 10 euro.
Note that those people will not be able to take advantage of the free rapid tests that are administered around the country (link in Greek).
School students will receive 1 free self test per week, which they will need to use in the 24-hour period before going to school on Tuesday morning.
Travelling around Greece
In order to travel between different Regional Units in Greece, all passengers over 4 years old should carry with them either a vaccination / recovery certificate, or a negative PCR / rapid test taken max 72 / 48 hours before travel.
Children aged 4-17 can also take a self test, valid for 24 hours.
The above applies for ferries, trains, planes, inter-regional KTEL buses, and tourist coaches / buses. If you are travelling with a tour company, make sure you are informed of any additional rules.
Passengers from the EU / Schengen countries, and passengers from the 37 countries following the European Union Digital Covid Certificate (EUDCC) System, can travel to Greece with their vaccination / recovery certificate.
Here is more information about travelling to and around Greece.
Hello! I’m Vanessa from Athens and I’ve been following Covid restrictions in Greece since spring 2020. This article has last been updated on 1 May 2022, with information from the official Government Gazette (ΦΕΚ) no 2137B/30.4.2022. I will be updating this article throughout 2022, so feel free to bookmark it and refer to it from time to time. For more info, follow my FB page, where I post all information about Covid-19 restrictions in Greece as soon as it’s announced.
Thank you very, very much for this. Efcharisto para, para, para poli.
You are very welcome!!
hi is it correct that if your last dose was within 9 months you can enter the country, but once there you cannot sit in indoor spaces because its older than 7 months? is this correct as it does not seem right?
I understand that it does not seem right, but yes, this is correct as the time of this response (17 February 2022). I will be updating this article every week or so, or when there are any changes to these restrictions, feel free to check again if you are planning a trip later on in the year.
Has this been changed now so that both are 9 months? Thanks 🙂
Hi – not sure what you are referring to? If this is it, then yes! “A certificate of vaccination is considered valid when 14 days have elapsed since the first or second dose of vaccination. The certificate’s validity expires if a period of 9 months has elapsed since the first / second dose, for all types of vaccines.”
Hi, yes thats what I meant. It used to be 7 months for domestic restrictions and 9 months for entry to the country but now it reads as 9 months to both 🙂
Have you got any idea what if any restrictions will remain after 4 April 2022?
Many thanks
Hi, thanks for your question! No, changes are announced every end of week… I will update the article with all new information so feel free to come back to it.
Thank you!
Hi so we are visiting in June first week. a mix of vaccinated and un.
So just clarify outside beach clubs, restaruants, hotels if not third vaccination and non eu.
We need to buy test from the pharmacy do them and fill that paper form out?
For the people that do have vaccination cards stating what they have, best to print this off to show at restaruants, hotels etc as the EU app will not work for the NHS version?
Thank you for your help.
Hi! At the moment, unvaccinated people who want to sit outside at a restaurant/cafe, would have to take a rapid test (10 euro) at a pharmacy or medical centre. Children aged 4-17 can do the self test (also available at pharmacies) and use the paper form. I strongly believe that by June there will be no need for any documents, but it’s not clear yet. I update the article whenever changes are announced, so feel free to come back to it from time to time, or feel free to ask again a week or so before you travel. Enjoy your time!
Greece allows 11- 180 days validity for proof of recovery certifications upon entry. (used to be 90 days but it was relaxed in February) Would you know if the same validity time is applied to use the recovery certificate as Covid-passport for venues, restaurants etc once in the country?
Within the country, it’s currently 90 days. There are discussions to change this, but nothing set in stone yet. I update the article whenever changes are announced, so feel free to come back to it from time to time.
thank you!
Hello there :
I have a 32€ question for you (it’s the price of rapid antigenic test here in Belgium issued by a pharmacist) : I travel on Sunday April 2nd from Brussels to Corfu (at 5pm), the Greek Tourism Office issued a statement saying that a 24h negative rapid antigenic test is mandatory when you don’t have been shot 3 times with the vaccine… Then, as all the testing centers in Belgium are closed on Sundays, is a rapid antigenic test issued on the Saturday morning is OK to enter on Greek soil on Sunday evening you think ?
I’ve contacted the pharmacies, the “airline” and so on but no one seems to know if the 24 hours rule of the Rapid test is really for 24 hours straight or for the whole next day included…
Thanks a lot for the help you can give !
Hi, jeez 32 is a lot. If you’ve had only 2 doses of e.g. the Pfizer vaccine, you can still travel to Greece if 9 months haven’t passed yet since the second dose. Otherwise no, a rapid test wouldn’t be sufficient as it would be over 24 hours… this has happened to a friend some time ago and they didn’t allow him to board. I’ve heard of people not being checked at all by the airlines, but I personally wouldn’t risk it… So you’d need to take a PCR test instead (how much are they in Belgium?)
Hi, we are travelling 10th April, myself and Hubby are double vaccinated plus a booster, my daughter and her BF are double vaccinated and have not had a booster, both had 2nd jab Mid August so are within the 9 months. If they both have recovery certificates on the UK NHS app for having covid recently, one in Feb and one in March, can they still get into indoor restaurants?
Yes, the 2nd jab is only good for 7 months within Greece, but since they have recent recovery certificates they should be fine. I would suggest they print them out, as some store managers may want to see a paper version, along with some proof of ID. Enjoy your time!
I NEED HELP!! I have done so much research about travel regulations for our upcoming trip to Greece in Mid may and nothing is consistent online what I am reading. My husband and I will be traveling from Los Angeles to Frankfurt Germany (Layover for 1 hour) to Santorini, Greece. We are both fully vaccinated with Pfizer. We received our second dose June 1st 2021. I need clarification about the following.
1. Do we have to have a booster shot since it will be more than 270 days since we received our second dose of the vaccine?
2. Are we able to get a travel PCR covid test prior instead of getting boosted?
3. Are there any requirements for the Greece ferries? We will be traveling by ferry throughout Santorini.
4. Is it easy to get a test in Greece for flight back to USA? I read online that it is required to have a negative covid test regardless of vaccination status. We will be in Athens the last part of our trip.
What are been your experience traveling through airports and ferries in Germany (transfer) and Greece?? I want to make sure I have everything planned out.
Thank you!!
Hi and thanks for your message! I strongly believe that things will change by mid-May, but as of 5 April, here are the answers to your questions:
1 and 2 – Yes you can have a test instead of getting the booster dose to enter Greece. I believe Germany and all of the EU follow the same rule.
3 – At the moment, you’d have to have a PCR / rapid test before boarding a ferry, max 72 / 48 hours before travel, unless you get the booster dose.
4 – You can easily get a rapid test at pharmacies, as for PCR tests you can get them at medical labs – it will depend on what the US asks for at the time of your travel.
We’ve had no issues at all traveling around Europe – just allow some more time than you normally would! Enjoy your holiday!
Help! We are vaccinated with two shots and have the booster. I don’t understand the procedure for getting a test to go back to the USA. I have heard there are clinics or labs we have to visit and the results of the tests take at least 24 hours. What are these labs/clinics? How do I find one in Athens?
Hi! I’ve written an article here that you can have a look at. Ask your hotel / room manager too, as there may be one closer to your area, or they may also offer hotel visits. Enjoy your time!
Wow, your information is great.
I have a situation that I haven’t gotten a straight answer from the US or Greek Embassies, or the airline or airport.
My family of five are US citizens, and all 12 and over have 3 doses (fully vaccinated and boosted) and two under 12 have 2 doses (fully vaccinated). We are arriving in Athens April 9, originating the flight from Cambodia (through Bangkok and Munich) to Athens.
The Greek government website said “arriving from … United States,” doesn’t need pre departure testing. But it also said “arriving from ALL other countries,” you need predeparture testing. It isn’t clear if the originating country is the most important, or the citizenship is the most important.
Have you heard whether US citizens originating travel from “ALL other countries” require a PCR test? (with the length of the flights, the rapid antigen test within 24 hours of ARRIVAL is a concern)
Hello and thanks for your question! In fact, the official text in the government Gazette is best translated as “originating from” rather than “arriving from”. Unfortunately, there is no explicit mention of US (or anyone else for that matter) citizens departing from another country, which is probably why everyone is reluctant to give you a solid answer. My understanding is that you’d need a test as you are departing from Cambodia, and I’d personally take the PCR test just to be on the safe side given the 24-hour window. The worst that can happen is that the test wasn’t necessary (and you’d have thrown away the money they cost you), but the alternative is that the airline might not let you board (it’s happened to a friend whose test was expiring before his scheduled arrival time)! Enjoy your holiday!
We are travelling to Greece on 16th April from the UK. My wife is double vaccinated, but her last jab is outside the allowable time scales. I am not vaccinated and neither are our children who are 6 and 3. Assuming nothing changes before then we were going to get Antigen tests prior to travel. Would the pharmacy/testing centre issue a document which is good enough for travel, and I’m a bit unclear whether we need to get them done 24 or 48 hours before travel. Can you help with that?
Hi! You’d have to either take a PCR test up to 72 hours before your scheduled arrival time, or a rapid antigen test up to 24 (not 48) hours before your scheduled arrival time. Note that it’s scheduled arrival time rather than departure time. The younger child won’t need a test. This article explains everything in detail, and please check back on which is the official government site. Enjoy your holiday!
Hi, So am I right in thinking that my 9 year old will have to self test every day of our two weeks in Corfu at 10euros per test when we go out to eat?
Hi Dave – anyone from 4-17 yo can do a self test which is available at pharmacies (usually 5 euro or so) and the result needs to be registered in the paper form I’ve linked to from the article. So there is no need to go to a pharmacy to do it, you could even bring tests from home if you prefer. If you are not coming anytime soon, check if the measures have eased up by the time you are here.
Thank you. So, I can print some of these forms to take with us and fill them out as needed using the U.K. free lateral flow tests?
Hi, yes that’s right – however, I’m not sure when you are here – the forms won’t be needed anymore after the 1st of May! Have a look at this new article
Thank so much for your info. We are flying over on May 27th for 2 weeks. So it looks like my unvaccinated 9 year old won’t have to test before going into shops & restaurants but we might have to wear masks for a few days. Thanks again.
Exactly! But I’ll be posting updates here and on the page, so have a look again before you arrive. Enjoy your holiday!
Your information is brilliant! I know know what to do so thank you.
We will need the antigen test before travel. While over there and travelling back, can we use our antigen tests that we are bringing from UK? Instead of buying them while in Greece?
Hi Sally, thank you for your comment! The way it’s worded in the official government Gazette, you’d have to take a test at a registered facility (medical lab / pharmacy) which can print out your name and surname on your test. Btw, as far as I know you don’t need to get tested to return to the UK, so those tests would be just needed for outdoor restaurants and other venues that don’t require a certificate of vaccination or recovery.
Hi there, my husband and I along with our 6 and 12 year old are unvaccinated and visiting late June into early July. Will we need to do rapid antigen tests before entering shops etc? Do you see the restrictions easing? Have they been less strict over the last while? Hope you can help. Thank you so much in advance
It’s really too early to tell and there are plenty of rumours so it’s impossible to tell when and how the restrictions will ease. So please ask again closer to the time, or follow the FB page where I’m posting all updates.
Thank you so much! Very helpful and appreciated!
If I had both vaccination 1 and 2 over 9 months ago, but also had my booster. Is this accepted for entry into Greece? Or do they not accept the booster. Thank you
Yes, the booster is fine. Please read this article which explains everything.
Hello – thank you so much for this, it’s so helpful. Can you please confirm for me – if I have a UK NHS Covid Recovery Certificate within 180 days (but not vaccinated), can I get into nightclubs and indoor bars? Thank you
Hi! According to the law, yes. If for any reason they don’t let you in, be prepared to insist and complain! Or if you are not travelling yet, check again closer to the time – these restrictions may be lifted eventually. Enjoy your time!
Reading through several Greek forums and am not finding anything firm.
We are an Indian Couple travelling from India on 1st week of June and both are fully vaccinated.
But our 9 month deadline of double vaccination is finishing on that very week.We too have EU digital certificate (from our last Euro trip) but I guess it’s validity of 9 months will also finish by 1st week of June.
If we take RT pcr within 48 hours before leaving India , will it be okay ?
Please reply as I need to plan this trip well in advance due to expensive tickets and other visa formalities .
As it stands today, in order to enter Greece, you can take a rapid test up to 24 hours before your scheduled arrival, or a PCR test up to 72 hours before your scheduled arrival. The Greek government hasn’t announced their plans for June yet. From the 1st of May, all measures within Greece will be lifted, so you won’t be needing any documents. Hope this helps! Enjoy your holiday!
Thanks for the informative article. Super helpful.
You are welcome – as you can see, it’s finally official – no more restrictions to enter Greece!
Hey I hope you can help. The uk government has updated their website for the unvaccinated which we are it says
“The Greek government has confirmed that from 1 May, travellers arriving from the UK, USA and European Union countries are exempt from the requirement to show a vaccine certificate, proof of a negative test, or a certificate of recovery from Covid to enter Greece”
Could you please help and confirm? Hope you’re well thank you!
Hi! It appears that the UK government is a little more efficient than the Greek one in updating their official websites 🙂 And yes, as of today (May 1st), all visitors (from any country) can enter Greece without any requirements – apart from wearing a mask! Enjoy your holiday!
Hi, I’m not sure if this is the right place for this question but we are going to Roda in Corfu on May 27th, can you tell me if shops, restaurants etc are happy to take cash now or is it still discouraged? I’m just trying to work out how much cash we should take.
Hi Dave! In fact, shops and restaurants always prefer to take cash, but paying with a card shouldn’t be a problem. It’s always good to have some cash for tips, bus tickets or bottles of water that you’ll need during the day. Enjoy your holiday!
Thank you. I only asked because I read on the TUI app “be prepared for a cashless holiday”, under their covid precautions.
I understand! But I can assure you that everyone is more than happy to take cash!
We will be flying from Athens to USA in two days. Who do we show our negative Rapid test to at the airport?
I believe that it should be your airline, it would be best to check with them. Hope you enjoyed your time!